College Hill Eye & Optical
295 South Main Street Providence RI 02903 401-831-2015

Dry Eye Therapy

Dry Eye Therapy in Providence

Help Prevent Dry, Itchy, Irritated Eyes

While the root cause of dry eyes varies from patient to patient, one thing remains constant: Dry eyes are uncomfortable. Fortunately, relief is available.

Whatever the cause of your dry eyes, you can rest assured that College Hill Eye & Optical can offer you long-term relief from your dry eye symptoms.

Get the relief you crave today: Book an appointment with us.

What Causes Dry Eyes?

Dry eyes can be caused by a variety of conditions and factors, and we will not be able to determine what is causing your dry eyes until we have a chance to examine you. However, some of the most common causes include:

Dry Eye Treatments Available at College Hill Eye & Optical

Punctal Occlusion

Punctal occlusion is a procedure where a small plug is inserted into your punctum, the small opening in the medial corner of your eyelid that is responsible for tear drainage. This plug helps your dry eyes by slowing down the rate at which your tears drain leading to more moisture in your eyes.

Dry Eye Medications

Depending on the seriousness of your dry eye symptoms, we can recommend or prescribe a variety of medications to lessen or even eliminate your dry eye symptoms.

Meibum Melting Heat Mask

If your dry eyes are caused by meibomian gland dysfunction, we may prescribe a meibum melting heat mask. When the meibomian glands become clogged, it affects the chemical composition of our tears and causes them to evaporate too quickly.

This in-office treatment uses soothing heat to soften the meibum clogging your glands so it can be gently removed.

Meibomian Gland Expression

Meibomian gland expression is an in-office procedure where your optometrist uses a small, hand-held tool to gently squeeze your eyelids and the outer areas of your eyes. This helps remove the meibum that has built up and clogged your meibomian glands. Once the glands are unclogged, your eyes can resume normal tear production.

Book Your Appointment

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Our Address

295 South Main Street
Providence, RI 02903

Contact Information

Phone: 401-831-2015
[email protected]

Hours of Operations

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