College Hill Eye & Optical
295 South Main Street Providence RI 02903 401-831-2015

Emergency Eye Care

Emergency Eye Care in Providence

Your Vision is Priceless; Do Not Put it at Risk

Our eyes are incredibly delicate, so even a seemingly insignificant problem or injury could compromise both your vision and eye health.

If you or someone you know is currently experiencing an eye emergency, you should call College Hill Eye & Optical right away at 401-831-2015 for assistance and instructions. If our office is closed, you should proceed to the nearest emergency room.

Seek Professional Medical Attention

For any of the following situations, either contact our office or proceed to your nearest emergency room.

  • Foreign object lodged into your eye
  • Scratched cornea
  • Sudden flashes and/or floaters (possible detached retina)
  • Trauma
  • Any sudden loss of vision

Use your best judgment to determine the severity of the emergency, but waiting too long for treatment can cause permanent, irreversible vision damage and even blindness.

When in doubt, it is best to error on the side of caution and seek professional medical assistance.

Visit Our Office

College Hill Eye & Optical location image

Our Address

295 South Main Street
Providence, RI 02903

Contact Information

Phone: 401-831-2015
[email protected]

Hours of Operations

8:30 AM5 PM
8:30 AM5 PM
8:30 AM5 PM
8:30 AM5 PM
8:30 AM5 PM
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